
Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks

Parties with reservations, declarations and objections

Party Reservations / Declarations Objections
Afghanistan Yes No
Algeria Yes No
Antigua and Barbuda Yes No
Armenia Yes No
Australia Yes No
Bahrain Yes No
Belarus Yes No
Belgium Yes No
Belize Yes No
Brazil Yes No
Brunei Yes No
Bulgaria Yes No
Cabo Verde Yes No
Cambodia Yes No
Canada Yes No
Chile Yes No
China Yes No
Colombia Yes No
Cyprus Yes No
Denmark Yes No
Estonia Yes No
EU (European Union) Yes No
Finland Yes No
France Yes No
Gambia, The Yes No
Georgia Yes No
Ghana Yes No
Greece Yes No
Iceland Yes No
India Yes No
Indonesia Yes No
Iran Yes No
Ireland Yes No
Israel Yes No
Italy Yes No
Jamaica Yes No
Japan Yes No
Kenya Yes No
Kyrgyzstan Yes No
Laos Yes No
Lithuania Yes No
Luxembourg Yes No
Madagascar Yes No
Malawi Yes No
Malaysia Yes No
Mauritius Yes No
Mexico Yes No
Moldova Yes No
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the Yes No
New Zealand Yes No
Norway Yes No
OAPI (African Intellectual Property Organisation) Yes No
Oman Yes No
Pakistan Yes No
Philippines Yes No
Poland Yes No
Qatar Yes No
Republic of Korea, the Yes No
Samoa Yes No
San Marino Yes No
Singapore Yes No
Slovakia Yes No
Sweden Yes No
Switzerland Yes No
Syria Yes No
Tajikistan Yes No
Thailand Yes No
Trinidad and Tobago Yes No
Tunisia Yes No
Türkiye Yes No
Turkmenistan Yes No
Ukraine Yes No
United Arab Emirates Yes No
United Kingdom Yes No
United States of America Yes No
Uzbekistan Yes No
Vietnam Yes No
Zambia Yes No
Zimbabwe Yes No



1. As provided for in Rule 20bis(6)(b) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating to that Agreement, the Government of Afghanistan has declared that the recording of licenses in the International Register shall have no effect in Afghanistan.
2. Consequently, a license relating to a mark in an international registration designating Afghanistan shall, in order to have effect in that Contracting Party, be recorded in the national Register of Afghanistan. The formalities required for such recording must be completed directly with the Office of Afghanistan and according to the conditions laid down by the legislation of that Contracting Party.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.

Antigua and Barbuda


- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months, and; under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), Antigua and Barbuda, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to Antigua and Barbuda, on April 9, 2017.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Armenia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Armenia, on October 24, 2001.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), Australia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to Australia, on July 11, 2001.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989) and pursuant to Article 5(2)(b), the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Artikel 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
The said declaration shall enter into force, with respect to the Kingdom of Bahrain, on May 7, 2008.


[...] according to which the Kingdom of Bahrain withdraws, before the entry into force, its declaration made under Article 5(2)(c) but maintains the one made under Article 5(2)(b).



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Belarus, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declarations will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Belarus, on April 28, 2003.



Regarding Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands declare that, in connection with each international registration in which they are mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, they want to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
Regarding Article 9quater, the Benelux Trademark Office shall be the common Office for the "Benelux territory," meaning the whole of the territories of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which shall be deemed to be a single State. Further, the instrument of acceptance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands states that it applies to the Kingdom in Europe.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of Belize, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit;
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Federative Republic of Brazil, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee; and
- in accordance with Article 14(5) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the protection resulting from any international registration effected under the said Protocol before the date of entry into force of the said Protocol with respect to the Federative Republic of Brazil cannot be extended to it.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.


In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), Brunei Darussalam, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to Brunei Darussalam, on July 3, 2017.



Pursuant to Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year referred to in Article 5(2)(a) shall be replaced by 18 months.
Pursuant to Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, shall receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.

Cabo Verde


- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The declarations will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Cabo Verde, on September 26, 2023.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.


In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Kingdom of Cambodia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The declaration enters into force, with respect to the Kingdom of Cambodia, on October 31, 2017.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of Canada, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of the Republic of Chile, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 14(5) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the protection resulting from any international registration effected under the said Protocol before the date of entry into force of the said Protocol with respect to the People's Republic of China cannot be extended to it.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Colombia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Kingdom of Denmark, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
Not applicable to the Faroe Islands and to Greenland.


Denmark withdraws the declaration made upon ratification to the effect that until further notice the Protocol should not apply to Greenland.


Denmark withdraws the declaration made upon ratification to the effect that until further notice the Protocol should not apply to the Faroe Islands.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Estonia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
In accordance with Article 14(5) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the protection resulting from any international registration effected under the said Protocol before the date of entry into force of the said Protocol with respect to the Republic of Estonia cannot be extended to it.

EU (European Union)


In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), that, under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the European Community, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Finland, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



Including all Overseas Departments and Territories.

Gambia, The


- in accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of the Gambia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Gambia, on January 6, 2016.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year referred to in subparagraph (a) is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), Georgia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to Georgia, on August 20, 1998.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit;
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Ghana, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year referred to in Article 5(2)(a) shall be replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of the Hellenic Republic, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, shall receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.


In accordance with Article 5(2)(c) of the Madrid Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month limit.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Hellenic Republic, on August 20, 2005.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of the Republic of Iceland declared that, under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the said Government declared that, with respect to Iceland, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with each renewal of any such international registration, it wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fee, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit;
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of India, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee; and
In accordance with Article 14(5) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the protection resulting from any international registration effected under this Protocol before the date of entry into force of this Protocol with respect to the Republic of India cannot be extended to it.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol, the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(b) and (c) of the Protocol, this Contracting Party has declared that the time limit to notify a refusal of protection shall be 18 months and that, where a refusal of protection results from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), Ireland, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the State of Israel, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit;
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Italian Republic, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of Jamaica, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year referred to in Article 5(2)(a) shall be replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of Japan, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, shall receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.


In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Kenya, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive an individual fee, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Kenya, on June 12, 2014.



In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Kyrgyz Republic, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Lao People's Democratic Republic, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), that, under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.



Regarding Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands declare that, in connection with each international registration in which they are mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, they want to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
Regarding Article 9quater, the Benelux Trademark Office shall be the common Office for the "Benelux territory," meaning the whole of the territories of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which shall be deemed to be a single State. Further, the instrument of acceptance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands states that it applies to the Kingdom in Europe.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989) and pursuant to Article 5(2)(b), the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a), is replaced by 18 months.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol, the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Rule 7(2) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol (“the Common Regulations”), whereby Malawi requires a declaration of intention to use the mark when Malawi is designated in an international application or a subsequent designation. The International Bureau of WIPO will modify the footnotes in item 11 of form MM2 and item 4 of form MM4 to indicate that, by designating Malawi, applicants or holders declare that they intend the mark to be used by them or with their consent in this Contracting Party in connection with the goods and services identified in the international application or subsequent designation.
In accordance with Rule 20bis(6)(b) of the Common Regulations, whereby the recording of licenses in the International Register shall have no effect in Malawi. Consequently, a license relating to an international registration shall be recorded in the national Register of the Office of Malawi in order to have effect in that Contracting Party. The formalities required for such recording must be completed directly with the Office of Malawi and according to the conditions laid down by the legislation of that Contracting Party.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of Malaysia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



– the declaration referred to in Article 5(2)(b) and (c) of the Madrid Protocol, whereby the time limit of one year to notify a provisional refusal of protection is replaced by 18 months, and a provisional refusal resulting from an opposition may be notified after the expiry of this time limit;
– the declaration referred to in Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol, whereby Mauritius wants to receive an individual fee when it is designated in an international application, in a designation subsequent to an international registration and in respect of the renewal of an international registration where it has been designated, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees; and,
– the notification under Rule 20bis(6)(b) of the Regulations under the Madrid Protocol, whereby the recording of licenses in the International Register shall have no effect in Mauritius. Consequently, a license relating to a mark in an international registration designating Mauritius shall, in order to have effect in that Contracting Party, be recorded in the national Register of the Office of Mauritius. The formalities required for such recording must be completed directly with the Office of Mauritius and according to the conditions laid down by the legislation of that Contracting Party.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) and pursuant to Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the United Mexican States, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Moldova wants to receive an individual fee, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Moldava, on December 26, 2003.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the


Regarding Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands declare that, in connection with each international registration in which they are mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, they want to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
Regarding Article 9quater, the Benelux Trademark Office shall be the common Office for the "Benelux territory," meaning the whole of the territories of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which shall be deemed to be a single State. Further, the instrument of acceptance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands states that it applies to the Kingdom in Europe.

New Zealand


In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), New Zealand, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
Consistent with the constitutional status of Tokelau and taking into account the commitment of the Government of New Zealand to the development of self-government for Tokelau through an act of self-determination under the Charter of the United Nations, this accession shall not extend to Tokelau unless and until a Declaration to this effect is lodged by the Government of New Zealand with the Depositary on the basis of appropriate consultation with that territory.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), that, under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof, is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Kingdom of Norway, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with each renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fee, an individual fee.

OAPI (African Intellectual Property Organisation)


In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), OAPI, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) and pursuant to Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
The said declaration entered into force, with respect to the Sultanate of Oman, on March 12, 2008.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of the Philippines, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
In accordance with Article 14(5) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the protection resulting from any international registration effected under this Protocol before the date of entry into force of this Protocol with respect to the Republic of the Philippines cannot be extended to it.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) and pursuant to Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of the State of Qatar, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.

Republic of Korea, the


In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Korea, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Independent State of Samoa, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.

San Marino


In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of San Marino, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, or in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Singapore, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) and pursuant to Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), that, under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof, is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Kingdom of Sweden, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with each renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fee, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Swiss Confederation, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with each renewal of any such international registration, it wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fee, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989) and pursuant to Article 5(2)(b), the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Aricle 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expire of the 18-month time limit.
The said declaration shall enter into force, with respect to the Syrian Arab Republic, on March 21, 2010.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) and pursuant to Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Tajikistan, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol, the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.

Trinidad and Tobago


- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Tunisia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Turkey, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Turkey, on October 13, 2005.


In accordance with Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection results from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Turkey, on December 26, 2006.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit of one year referred to in subparagraph (a) is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), Turkmenistan, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to Turkmenistan, on April 10, 2000.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), that, under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.


In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), Ukraine wants to receive an individual fee, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to Ukraine, on November 28, 2003.

United Arab Emirates


- in accordance with Article 5(2)(b) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the time limit for a notification of refusal in respect of international registrations made under the Madrid Protocol will be 18 months and, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Government of the United Arab Emirates, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.

United Kingdom


IIn accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), that, under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof, is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, where refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Kingdom of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with each renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fee, an individual fee.


In accordance with Article 8(7)(a), the Bailiwick of Guernsey, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wishes to receive an individual fee, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees.
The declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Bailiwick of Guernsey, on September 1, 2021.

United States of America


In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and that, under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the United States of America, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the said Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months.
In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Uzbekistan, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.



In accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Zambia, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Zambia, on January 6, 2018.



- in accordance with Article 5(2)(d) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), under Article 5(2)(b) of the Protocol, the time limit of one year to exercise the right to notify a refusal of protection referred to in Article 5(2)(a) thereof is replaced by 18 months and under Article 5(2)(c) of the said Protocol, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit; and
- in accordance with Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol (1989), the Republic of Zimbabwe, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter of the said Protocol, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, an individual fee.
The said declaration will enter into force, with respect to the Republic of Zimbabwe, on January 7, 2016.

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