
Geavanceerde Kaderovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en haar lidstaten, enerzijds, en de Republiek Chili, anderzijds

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Oostenrijk Ja Nee
Polen Ja Nee



Declaration by the Republic of Austria concerning provisional application in accordance with Article 41.5 (2) of the Agreement: Austria is prepared to adopt the proposed approach but would note that for reasons of constitutional law it can undertake the provisional application, within the meaning of international law, of the Advanced Framework Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Chile, of the other part, only as from the date on which it notifies the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, as the depositary of the Agreement, that the domestic procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement have been completed.



The Republic of Poland declares that it may provisionally apply the Agreement according to its Article 41.5 paragraph 2 only once it has notified the Secretary General of the Council of the European Union, as the depository of the Agreement, that it has concluded the necessary national procedure for the Agreement to enter into force.

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